Decolorization was proved to be independent of light by means of experiments.(通过实验证明了脱色过程与光照无关。)
On the contrary, Aristotle insisted that the cultivation of virtue depends on Custom and education. Furthermore, it can not be independent of law and threatening of punishment.(亚里士多德对于德性养成的见解与之恰成对照,他认为德性的养成要依赖习惯和训练,同时也离不开法律的教化与惩罚的威胁。)
The definitions show that each of these categories of problems can be independent of each other.(定义显示,每一种类别的问题跟其他的问题是没有相关性的。)
The police force should be independent of direct government control.(警方应该不受政府的直接控制。)
So if we twist it too much up, then, of course, we will permanently deform it, and then the period will not be independent of theta maximum.(如果转动过度,当然,会永远毁坏的,那么周期和,θ最大值相关。)
It was important to me to be financially independent of my parents.(在经济上不依赖父母,这对我很重要。)
A general purpose SCADA system's software should be independent of the hardware and can be applied to various power systems.(本文描述了我们开发的SCADA系统的硬、软件设计和实现。设计目标力图实现通用性。)
They planned to go camping so as to be independent of hotels.(他们计划去露营,免得去住旅馆。)
The experiments of segmenting left ventricle MRI images show that this model be independent of the initial position and can segment image automatically.(实验结果表明,该模型与轮廓线初始位置无关,能实现MRI图像的自动分割。)
While in Confucian ontology, noumenon cannot exist without appearance and Faramita cannot be independent of temporality.(在儒家的本体论中,本体不离现象,彼岸与此岸不分。)
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